Statement of faith
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
– Romans 10:17 (NKJV)
Statement of Faith
At Word Collective Ministries, we hold firm to the conviction that the Bible stands as the immutable word of the living God, infallible in its wisdom and divine revelation. Our faith is anchored in the belief in the triune God—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We affirm the profound truth that God, in His sovereign power, created the heavens and the earth, including mankind, molded in His own image, both male and female. His declaration upon completion resounded with the affirmation of goodness. Initially, humanity enjoyed perfect communion with God Almighty, yet through disobedience, sin infiltrated the world, severing the harmonious relationship between God and humanity. Thus, the restoration of righteousness became imperative.
In the magnanimity of His love, God the Father bestowed His only begotten Son as the atoning sacrifice for humanity’s transgressions, ensuring that none shall perish but inherit eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, descended to earth, conceived divinely by the incorruptible seed of the Holy Spirit, embodying both divinity and humanity. His earthly ministry culminated in the redemption of sinners who acknowledge their need for a Savior, embracing Him wholeheartedly, surrendering their lives, and following His teachings.
We profess that Jesus bore the weight of our sins upon the cross, enduring divine judgment, and triumphantly rose from the dead on the third day, vanquishing death, and the forces of darkness. Through His ultimate sacrifice, Jesus fulfilled the prophecies and statutes of the law, granting humanity liberation from sin and eternal damnation.
Upon His resurrection and ascension to heaven, Jesus bestowed the Holy Spirit upon His disciples and apostles, igniting a fervent proclamation of the gospel message, wherein all who accept Christ also receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Salvation, we believe, is attained by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, having faith in Jesus Christ, acknowledging His divine sonship, sacrificial death, resurrection, and exaltation at the right hand of God. This transformative faith leads to the demise of the old self and the emergence of a new creation in Christ. We assert that holiness, righteousness, and perfection are attainable through the supernatural empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Water baptism, while not a prerequisite for salvation, stands as a vital expression of faith following true conversion, symbolizing spiritual washing and empowerment.
We affirm the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a divine endowment available to all believers, empowering them to manifest the Spirit’s power and bear witness to the gospel through miraculous deeds. The ministry of healing, we believe, persists today through the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit.
The church, ordained by God for the salvation of His people, constitutes the Ecclesia—the assembly of the called-out ones who gather to commune with God. The church, as the bride of Christ, is entrusted with the sacred duty to reflect His character and serve as a beacon of divine love and grace to the world.
We acknowledge God’s foundational creation ordinance, affirming marriage and family as His plan for humanity. We believe that following God’s way in marriage and family is the correct and perfect way.
In eager anticipation of Jesus’ imminent return for His pure bride, we labor fervently in the abundant harvest, guiding souls closer to God and nurturing them in the ways of righteousness.
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